About TheNewAvia

I'm a marketer with a side of graphic designer and a touch of event planner. And I can cook, too. I am not a fitness expert (and am not sure I want to be).

Going Greek

Bowl-of-Yogurt-with-FruitI have a confession: I love sweets. Especially chocolate. Especially chocolate chip cookies. It is an obsession I got from my father (the sweets – not the cookies). Unfortunately, he didn’t pass on his metabolism. He can eat ice cream everyday and maintain a 32-inch waist. If I tried that I would be learning to be a sumo wrestler instead of a boxer.

Lately, to help deal with the sweet tooth (and to have more breakfast options), I have tried eating more yogurt. Last week, I speculated that the yogurt played a part in my SlimPossible success. This week, I discovered that I was probably correct. According to Fitness Magazine, weight loss, workout recovery and a healthy smile is just a few of the ten benefits of yogurt.

yogurtSince I get bored with any food that I eat often, I am trying several brands and flavors. Here is what I bought last week. So far, the Oikos greek peach fruit on the bottom and Chobani Flip Salted Caramel Crunch are my favorites. The Yoplait Greek 100 peach was good. The Muller corner granola was bland. I am still looking to try others. Please let me know your favorites!

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Hand writing Time to Adapt concept with red marker on transparent wipe board.

For those who have been tuning in to see how I am doing on my fitness challenge, you probably think I’ve given up or abandoned the blog again. Not so!

In my last entry, I reported that we realized the scale had malfunctioned. Well last week, it just completely died so I couldn’t weigh in. Secretly, I was kinda happy because it gave me more time to get my act together. It seems my efforts paid off. I’m proud to report that in the last two weeks, I have lost 4 pounds of fat!

I have to say I was pretty surprise since I took a different approach to the challenge in the last two weeks. First of all, I didn’t obsess about exercising. Instead, I focused on being more active. Parking further away from the store. Walking every aisle in the grocery store. Walking while waiting for the microwave at work.

Also, I didn’t journal what I was eating. I felt the the recording of every bite was making me a little food obsessed and hungry when I wasn’t. Now this approach isn’t for everyone. In fact, health experts suggest recording what you eat. And I don’t think this approach would have worked if I hadn’t previously recorded what I ate. But now I had a little bit of knowledge and wanted to venture out on my own. I will try this for a little longer. If things start to plateau or (gasp!) go south, then I will go back to keeping a food diary.

I think my new obsession with yogurt also helped. (I will explain more next time.) It meant less sugar and more protein.

I am going to step it up for the next week and I am looking for new running shoes so I can start that again. Wish me luck!

SlimPossible Points: 2

Weighing is the hardest thing to do

Well, today was my first check in day for the fantasy fitness challenge. Unfortunately, at my check-in we realized there was a scale issue so I couldn’t get my week results. On the plus side, the health coach and I had a good conversation about healthy weight loss vs unhealthy weight loss. Every time you turn on the TV, there is a commercial about quick and easy weight loss. But I constantly wonder is it healthy and safe?


The CDC and my health coach says that modest weight loss is the best way to go. Slow and steady not only wins the race, it keeps you from having to run the race over again. Studies shows the gradual changes become habits which help you keep the weight off.

Hours later I continued the conversation with Trainer Wes. He also agrees the gradual approach is a good way to go.

Speaking of Trainer Wes, today’s session with Trainer Wes was good. Somehow I convinced him to wear the bodysuit, which means I get to punch him instead of the bag or dummy. Live targets are always more fun!

Another note about Trainer Wes– for those of you just starting out in boxing, Wes said he would upload a video on how to wrap your hands (VERY IMPORTANT!). Check back soon and I will share it.

SlimPossible points: N/A

Holding Stop Position


By popular request, I am following up on my stop day. It’s almost over and was pretty successful. I did spend most of the day doing pretty much nothing. It was nice not having to be anywhere at any certain time. My sidekick and I spent quite a few hours on the couch watching TV. After a few hours of channel surfing, I decided it might be best to finish watching last season’s shows before the new season starts. Then I went to the grocery store which is really nice when you are not in a rush. Stopped at Central Market (which I love) and bought myself some sunflowers (my favorite). Then returned home for more TV, internet shopping (bought my alumni shirt) and a nap (which I never do!).

I do admit, it was hard settling into doing a day of nothing. And there were a few times I thought about work or the things around the house that needed to be done. Every time I felt anxiety about what I wasn’t doing, I made myself remember that it is just as important for me to do nothing as it is to do something. This nothing was for me. I earned it and I shouldn’t let anyone (even myself) spoil it. With that said, I have a few more hours of nothing to do. See you tomorrow.

The Day I Stopped


In the last four years, I’ve moved twice, served 3 terms on a board, traveled over seas for the first time, began consulting, helped re-launch four brands, served on two church committees, learned to box, sewn two quilts, started running and, as of an hour ago, completed two degrees. What I haven’t done is had a true day of rest.

For years, I’ve been constantly busy with work, school and stuff. Unless I’m very sick or extremely injured, I tend to go until I can’t go any longer.

Apparently, I’m not the only one. According to zen habits, in today’s culture, time to rest is rare commodity. “There are just too many things to get done, too many demands, too many responsibilities, too many bills, and too much urgency. Nobody can afford to waste time resting in today’s results-oriented culture.”

Though, the reality is rest is just as important as eating and exercise. It is essential to a healthy mind, body and soul.

So, tomorrow, I have schedule myself a stop day. Dr. Matthew Sleeth says a “stop day” is a day you really cease from your labors. I prefer the Urban Dictionary definition, which gives a pretty accurate description of the day I have planned:

a day typically reserved for sleeping, eating, watching Netflix and other forms of comatose solidarity.

I’ve had my stop day planned for months. It is a celebration of the end of school and the start of new things in my life. I’m excited for my stop day and hope I truly manage to spend the day doing what Prince called “something close to nothing”.


Wish me luck!

Yeah… Back on the horse


So I’ve been gone a while. The last few months have been non-stop crazy. While I have slacked on my goals, I haven’t given up on them. And thanks to some encouragement from my circle (thanks ChimChim and Yogi L), I’m getting back on track.

Strangely enough, I’ve also been lured back by some random and surprising motivators: boxing, running, Whitney, & the fantasy fitness challenge.

Boxing: While I have slacked on most of my fitness routine, I’ve still been going to boxing. Thanks to Trainer Wes, I still adore boxing. No matter how tired, stressed or crazy I’ve felt, I still make it to my lesson and am happier for it. I’m excited to say I’m advancing and feeling more confident in my strength and skill. Also, I think I have biceps now!

Running: While I haven’t been running (except that March Madness month I had with Trainer Wes), it has been on my mind. I am anxiously waiting for temperatures to drop so I can get back to it. In the last year, I’ve learned that I really want to hate running. Then a cool day comes along and all I can think about is stringing up my running shoes. (I blame Dr. N for that.) Yesterday, I ordered new running clothes and in the coming weeks I’m going back to RunOn to get a new pair running shoes. New clothes always motivates me.

Whitney: I recently discovered Whitney Thore and love her intensity for life. She motivates women of all sizes to not let your size deter you from what you want to do. Dance on, Whit! Dance on!

Side note, if you decide to watch the show, don’t watch the “Hate Mail’ episode; it will make you hate people.

Fantasy Fitness Challenge: Sooo we have a health coach person at work. This fall, she decided to have a fantasy fitness challenge. Basically, you pay $10 dollars to enter. Whoever does the best wins the pot of money at the end. What I like about this challenge is it is a healthier challenge. It is not based on BMI, which has been proved to be totally antiquated. It’s not even based on weight loss. It’s based on loss of fat. The health coach person has a really cool scale that calculates fat mass, fat %, how dehydrated (or not) I am and more. For every .25% of body fat I lose I get a point. I entered the contest using the pseudonym SlimPossible (those who are pop-culture savvy might catch the cartoon reference). Each week, I will try to report my SlimPossible points.


So there you have it and here we go again. I beg you to stick with me and maybe occasionally send me some encouragement. With that, I will hopefully stay on the path (or fall off and get back on it) and not have to give up my chocolate chip cookies.

Don’t Call It A Comeback

Well, I did manage a workout last week. I realized that a few weeks away can really set you back. I’m eager to get back to my previous pace, strength, and endurance but I know I have to take it slow in order not to back-slide my recovery. Anyone have sage advice about how to return to your workouts after injury?

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program

Photo credit: smokeghost / iWoman / CC BY-NC-SA

Sorry for my absence. Over the past year, when injury or illness occurred, I have been able to still do some form of exercise.

Unfortunately, shortly after my last post I sustained injuries that forced me to put a temporary pause on all activities. The good news is I hope to be back to the track, on stationary bike, kickin’ it with Shaun T and maybe even the punching bag starting this week. Cross your fingers!

As a side note, to all those who scolded me for not calling for help, offered me help and support, and came to my rescue, thanks. Just knowing you were there for me felt great.


Photo credit: smokeghost / iWoman / CC BY-NC-SA

Holy Cowtown!

Slide1So, months ago (via a Facebook conversation), DR talked me into running in the Cowtown. The Cowtown is a 5K (3.10 miles)/10K (6.22 miles)/Half Marathon (13.10 miles)/Marathon (26.21miles)/Ultra Marathon (26.21+ miles). Yesterday, I decided to see if they had the race dates up yet. (Truth – I was checking to see when I could get my “Training for Cowtown” t-shirt.)

GASP! Not only are the dates advertised – registration is open. This means Cowtown is VERY close. To be more exact, it is less than 100 days away. To be really exact, it is 3 months and 4 days.

That means I have 1311 hours to get ready for my first “race”. My goal is not to finish in any certain time (though I prefer not to be the very last person). Next year, I will have loftier goals, but this year, my goal is just to finish and enjoy the experience.

Bring on Cowtown!

“Don’t give up on the impossible before you try it.” — Biggie Munn

It’s the little things that matter

So, I can’t run a marathon (yet) or go a round with Laila Ali (not even going to happen!), but I can recognize how far I’ve come in the last few months.

My boxing trainer always starts my session out with jumping rope for 2 minutes (which I loathe – sorry, Wes!). When I first started boxing, I spent most of the time tangled up in the rope or jumping like a 3rd grader. This week, I noticed how much better I’ve gotten. I don’t quite have Muhammad Ali’s style, but I don’t get tangled up anymore and almost make it through the entire 2 minutes without wearing out (try it – it’s a long time to jump rope!). I smiled and celebrated my milestone. It shows how far I’ve come and proves there’s no limit on how far I can go.

“Take your victories, whatever they may be, cherish them, use them, but don’t settle for them.” — Mia Hamm